
Showing posts from June, 2017

Oregon Corruption: How Deep Are The Lies?

Last day to save 15% on G.A. Tickets!

Use code: PDX and save 15%. Today's the last day to save, so you'll want to act now.

Trump's PDX Effect: Travel Ban, Lawyers Respond

Check out @Maggie_Vespa's Tweet:

Dallas, Oregon, Explosive Shenanigans

Election fraud, Now Dominating Headlines

Oregon Sec. State, Dennis Richardson, issues warning concerning State election fraud

Tickets to 420 Fashion Week Prelude

Enter code: PDX and save 15% until June 30. 420 Fashion Week Prelude Good God Father has a chance at a feature on the cover of Hemp Life and/or Royalty Magazine. Offer expires June 30th for 15% discount code: PDX, which you can enter at checkout to save! Get your tickets now, while you can save on General Admission. Good God Father

Liturgy of the Hours: Dynamic site

Illustration of case story

Report: More Pyramids in Egypt

Indiegogo Fundraiser Promo Video First Edit


An idea about Grace.

Grace, is a word that, like many before me, has taken hold in such a way that I cannot deny it's value to me. This came to me, as itself a grace, or gift, that I didn't wish for. In fact it came through much pain, like many of my generation. Once I found it, I reasoned that if this gift was so vast as I could then imagine, to my still developing intellect, then the storehouses where those gifts originate must the more vast be. So much so, that it's power to form is so perfectly corrective so as to perform it's own distinct purpose of will. As one imagines grace, in themselves, they imagine an image that could not come from it's own members, but from the images impressed upon it from without. This is the result of the combined geometry of the world without which is represented to the mind within, via complex physics of electrons and neurons, and how the simultaneous action of those result in an interpreted ideal in the mind of human beings, and even all living being...

We Got it! Yes! It's working!

What you are witnessing is the start up of a magnificent mechanism, that is rising out of the wasted mire and refuse of the industrial technological age. And we've got merchandise. Get your shirt, today, and get a free download mp3, Vile Devil, premier track from coming Good God Father release, I Pray You . Bandcamp

Good God Father, There's T-Shirts!

OK, so I thought I would be getting Google+ to be posting content, and lo, they are not linked to this blog just yet... I'm sure there's a solution. However, time is short, and I have only one thing to say... T-Shirts ! Get yours today from the Good God Father Bandcamp page!