Patreon, IndieGogo, Kickstarter, and Bandcamp

We've now got our ground coverage on all corners of the web to build the resources necessary to hit the ground running with powerful, and intent content, with a message of conviction, and inpsiration. This great world of ours has been hijacked by hostile powers. Thieves have stolen thought, labor, history, and our very lives, through the use of many great lies, reinforced by exorbitant amounts of resources spent on advertising, and media. Artists on the lower levels have expended their efforts in order to gain their corner on the market of that messaging, with messages of vanity, greed, apathy, perversion, and nihilism, and these are the artists that big money get behind in order to continue their vile deception of the whole world's innocence, and sustainability. Good God Father seeks to undermine that agenda, with a counter agenda. An open agenda to thwart those efforts, by creating and promoting content founded on Virtue, Truth, Love, Faith, Justice, Hope, Reason, Trust, ...