Yom Teruah: Reflections on the eXtreme Tour, and the Future.

 Happy Yom Teruah,
That's the name of the ancient Hebrew celebration, called the Feast of Shouting. You can learn more about the celebration here:

Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson Yom Teruah

It's been a very intense year for us here, not least to mention the wildfires, and COVID, and riots and hailstorms of what seems to be complete madness. In spite of these things, GGF has had the opportunity to be a part of some absolutely spectacular undertakings, over and agains the negativity, to treasure that residual hope that lies latent, buried under the chaos and confusion of a broken world.
Namely, the eXtreme Tour, being the strongest element of and in that.
In order to process as much of that with you as we can, we're going to try to put together some videos out of it all, perhaps one interview Q&A, and then a sort of music video production.
We'll see what we come up with, but for now, we're looking at what is next. Things being what they are, we're going to be looking at music/record production. Usually that comes with a price tag, but for now, we're going to see what we can do with what we have. Hopefully we can actually get some more music out to you before the years end, however, right now, the studio PC is going through some diag and repair due to a failing HDD.
So we'll be taking a look at what we have around here to figure things out, and keep you updated. In the mean time, be on the look out for YouTube videos here:

GGF on YouTube

Be sure to like and subscribe, not to mention the rest of our social media presence where you can like, subscribe and share:


You feel like maybe you've bought in to the Good God Father vision, and mission, be sure to show your friends and family where you stand, by getting the great tools you need for the task at hand:


One thing that this year has truly put a cap on is that we are about far more than making great music for you to listen to. It's really about getting a glance at the highest reaches our minds are capable of grasping, and taking a minute to ask yourself of what is possible. It's about seeing and believing that the greatness that is ours to achieve is never out of reach, no matter how much the world around us tells us only about what they see as being impossible.

Hang in there, people! There really is light at the end of the tunnel. That is our Faith, and we Hope it's yours too,

With great Love, to the greatest of reprobates,


GGF Live from Sheridan, OR w/The eXtreme Tour

Good God Father live from Lincoln City w/ The eXtreme Tour


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